At the time of the start of the project, the Komus online store, launched in 2000, worked quite
successfully and had extensive functionality. The company was to improve its electronic sales channel,
maintaining and expanding existing capabilities.
To upgrade the online store, SAP Customer Experience platform was chosen. It was assumed that the modern
marketing tools implemented in it would provide additional turnover. Among the main tasks of the
transition to an industrial e-commerce platform was to ensure individual pricing for corporate partners,
update the consolidated order service, get a tool for creating marketing campaigns, and ensure the
scalability of the online store.
During the preparation of the project, Komus specialists studied the experience of Western SAP customers
with similar business and sales volume. Implementation of SAP Customer Experience was initiated by the
department responsible for the operation and effectiveness of the electronic sales channel. The
customer’s project team had the opportunity to influence the design of the final product.
Komus employees were interested in the result of the project. The company's management also showed
increased attention to the development of the electronic sales channel, as this area is strategically
important for business development. The implementation process was iterative due to changes being
constantly made with close interaction of the customer’s teams and the contractor.