Digital transformation of the business based on SAP Customer Experience cloud solutions for e-commerce and marketing in Faberlic

Digital transformation of the business based on SAP Customer Experience cloud solutions for e-commerce and marketing.

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JSK Faberlic

Head office:

Faberlic is the largest company in Russia specializing in direct selling. It ranks among the top 100 largest cosmetics companies in the world and has rank 25 in global rating of direct selling companies. Products from Faberlic are sold in 40 countries across the globe.

The goal was to establish a modern, multi-functional, scalable, and flexible online store that has a product line of over 90,000 products and is capable of processing more than 100,000 orders daily.


Implementation of a heavy loaded platform for e-commerce. Faberlic became the biggest project based on SAP Commerce Cloud solution in CIS region and one of the biggest in the world. The main goal of the project was to triple company’s revenues in every region where it operates by implementing the heavy loaded enterprise solution based on SAP CX. A business case with main KPIs of the project defined the decision of its start. KPIs: revenues, conversion and launch date.

This project changed processes of selling products through online store and established automated marketing communication. It also brought about optimal effectiveness in the following areas: client data processing, merchandise catalogue, prices, stocks and orders management, client's dashboard operation, branched structure of MLM services for distributors, promotion activity and loyalty campaign management, target groups and segmentation management, and marketing campaign management. This platform already operates in 10 countries and later will be launched in other regions.
More sales through the new web-site
Growth of active shopping bag per unit time

During the project, a single omnichannel platform was implemented for all regions where Faberlic operates.
Implementation of an e-commerce platform based on SAP CX solution protected key business processes from various disruptions and increased resilience of company’s website.
Searching and selecting products, ordering, and promotion campaign organization was optimized.
This business initiative led to the establishment of new digital channels for distributing company products: SMM, online broadcasting, webinars, etc.

Valery Kaplenko

IT Director
«Today, to transform business means not only to restructure inner processes, but also to change the way in which you interact with clients. Our business implies that all orders, along with various other communications, are processed online. A single platform will allow us to aggregate all sorts of data and unite all sorts of processes, and, of course, build trust-based, personalized relations with our customers. Moreover, tools from SAP Customer Experience package can be deployed in the cloud, which is very important for a rapidly growing company like ours».
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